Use "dump|dumps" in a sentence

1. The boss dumps on Jane and she dumps on the junior staff.

2. Or possibly, “garbage dumps; dunghills.”

3. ACE Dumps Aviatrix Certified Engineer

4. Certificate Dump

5. Dump Certificate Error

6. What a dump.

7. Looking so down in the dumps

8. core dumps if string parameter is alphanumeric.

9. You sound pretty down in the dumps.

10. Getreadyto dump dump this ,crashingbelow 3 cent to too to Confusingto understand get ready to dump dump this as soon as it start to trade what is this chemical and geophysical ( resistivity

11. Nothing but a dump.

12. Getreadyto dump dump this ,crashingbelow 3 cent to too to Confusingto understand get ready to dump dump this as soon as it start to trade what is this chemical and geophysical ( resistivity

13. I feel down in the dumps today.

14. She's feeling a bit down in the dumps.

15. Dump it in the recycling.

16. It looks like a dump.

17. Dump CRL Cache Error

18. Of taking a dump?

19. This is a dump.

20. Dump the topsoil here.

21. Data dump is almost complete.

22. This town's a real dump.

23. Constant dumps obfuscated scripts by using Borks dumper

24. She dumps the contents on to the floor.

25. She dumps the baby straight into his cot.

26. It's no use letting yourself fall into the dumps.

27. We gotta dump the bodies.

28. There are many dumps of US and Japanese material.

29. Maybe that's why the unsub Dumps the bodies here.

30. The other one was a dump.

31. 1 Dump the topsoil here.

32. Motorways, electricity generators, municipal dumps were all subject to kickbacks.

33. He dumps on me every time she throws him out.

34. Nobody's sick in this dump anymore?

35. Don't dump your troubles on me!

36. He tried to dump on her.

37. But his company is still down in the dumps.

38. Getreadyto dump dump this ,crashingbelow 3 cent to too to Confusingto understand get ready to dump dump this as soon as it start to trade what is this chemical and geophysical ( resistivity ) result were provided by the current concession owner

39. Curbside Collection is undertaken mostly at Curbsides and at dumps

40. In computing, a core dump, crash dump, memory dump, or system dump consists of the recorded state of the working memory of a computer program at a specific time, generally when the program has crashed or otherwise terminated abnormally.

41. 19 It's no use letting yourself fall into the dumps.

42. They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps.

43. Dump Chrome: 7 Alternative Web Browsers

44. Used Articulated Dump Trucks for sale

45. Dump it out and come out.

46. His room is an absolute dump!

47. It must be one hairy dump.

48. Auto industry is in the dump.

49. I'm gonna escape from this dump.

50. And it smells like a garbage dump.

51. Meeting at that dump was her idea.

52. Noun Just dump your Clobber anywhere

53. We'll dump him around the block.

54. Where Should They Dump the Garbage?

55. So that's why he looked so down in the dumps.

56. We can't have you down in the dumps like this.

57. Nor are waste dumps the only things being shaken-up.

58. We all dump our troubles on Mike.

59. The dump sent out an offensive odour.

60. The cops had him dump the contents.

61. WhoCrashed, automatic crash dump analyzer for Windows

62. The fire probably started in a rubbish dump.

63. She came to see me just to dump.

64. As soon as you can, dump those clothes.

65. They dumped their old car in the dump.

66. 7 They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps.

67. How can you live in this dump?

68. The dump sent out an offensive odor.

69. What a dweeb! Why doesn't she dump him?

70. I have found pornographic magazines by the roadside and in dumps.

71. The children loved to play on the dump.

72. People aren't supposed to just dump radioactive material.

73. Chronicle News Dump Podcast: Episode 39 E-Edition

74. To dump waste at sea (strong acid waste)?

75. You don't dump the accident in my lap.

76. The tyre dump is a major fire risk .

77. If you are Crestfallen, you are dark, depressed, and down in the dumps

78. Why are you living in a dump like this?

79. Or he may have gone to dump the virus.

80. We want to keep the brain, dump the body.